Source code for

class Event:
    """Event object to run.
[docs] This object contains a function to run with any arguments. This is used by other objects to run specific functions at some time. Parameters ---------- type : string A message specifying the type of the event. src_id : string The id of the source object creating the event. f : func The function to run. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to provide to `f`. Attributes ---------- id : string The event id. src_id : string The id of the object that created the link. type : string The type of the event. Methods ------- run() Runs the event. Notes ----- The event is initialized with a id. The `Event` class keeps a static id that is updated for each event to create a unique id. """ # Static id to create unique ids for each event. _last_id = 0 def __init__(self, type, src_id, f, **kwargs): # Assign the event an id self._id = Event._last_id # Update the static id to use a new id for the next event. Event._last_id += 1 # Initialize event attributes self._type = type self._f = f self._kwargs = kwargs self._src_id = src_id @property def id(self): return self._id @id.setter def id(self, value): raise AttributeError("Cannot modify event id: {0}".format(self._id)) @property def src_id(self): return self._src_id @src_id.setter def src_id(self, value): raise AttributeError("Cannot modify event" "source id: {0}".format(self._id)) @property def type(self): return self._type @type.setter def type(self, value): raise AttributeError("Cannot modify event type: {0}".format(self._id)) def run(self): """Runs the event.
[docs] Calls the function `f` with keyword arguments `kwargs`. """ self._f(**self._kwargs) def __str__(self): """Returns a string representation of the event."""
msg = "Event {0} running: {1}" return msg.format(self._id, self._type)