Source code for

from host import Host
from router import Router
from link import Link
from flow import Flow
from tahoe_flow import TahoeFlow
from reno_flow import RenoFlow
from fast_flow import FastFlow
from Queue import PriorityQueue
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Constants
# Time to update router info, in ms.

[docs]class Network(): """Python representation of the network. Each host, router, link, and flow object is denoted by a unique character id, and placed in a distinct dictionary. The check_id function checks the unique id constraint before construction any new objects. This is a global id constraint across all objects. Parameters ---------- bw : `Blackwidow` The simulation object containing settings and data recording. Attributes ---------- time : float The currenet simulation time. """ def __init__(self, bw): self.devices = {} self.hosts = {} self.routers = {} self.links = {} self.flows = {} self.ids = [] self._time = 0 = bw self._events = PriorityQueue() self.num_flows_active = 0 self.g = nx.MultiDiGraph() self.deleted = [] @property def time(self): return self._time @time.setter def time(self, value): raise AttributeError("Cannot modify network time")
[docs] def check_id(self, obj_id): """Check if the id is not already used. This function checks if the id is not already used. This function raises an exception if object id is not unique. Parameters ---------- obj_id : string The id to check. """ if obj_id in self.ids: raise ValueError('id {0} already exists.'.format(obj_id))
[docs] def dump(self, output=False): """Prints out network and returns networkx graph Prints the devices, links, and flows associated with the network, and returns a pydot object with the network graph. Parameters ---------- output : boolean, optional Specifies whether to print the network information (the default is False). Returns ------- pydot pydot object containing the network graph """ # Print network information if output is True if output: print "Devices:\n" for device_id in self.devices: print self.devices[device_id] print "Links:\n" for link_id in self.links: print self.links[link_id] print "Flows:\n" for flow_id in self.flows: print self.flows[flow_id] # Convert the graph to a pydot object and return return nx.to_pydot(self.g)
[docs] def add_host(self, host_id): """Construct host and add to dictionary of hosts. Parameters ---------- host_id : string A unique id for the host. """ # Check if the id is not already used self.check_id(host_id) # Create a Host object self.devices[host_id] = Host(host_id) # Update dictionaries self.hosts[host_id] = self.devices[host_id] self.ids.append(host_id) # Update the graph self.g.add_node(host_id, shape="square")
[docs] def add_router(self, router_id): """Construct router and add to dictionary of routers. Parameters ---------- router_id : string A unique id for the router. """ # Check if the id is not already used self.check_id(router_id) # Create a Router self.devices[router_id] = Router(router_id, self, # Update dictionaries self.routers[router_id] = self.devices[router_id] self.ids.append(router_id) # Update the graph self.g.add_node(router_id)
[docs] def delete_device(self, device_id): """Deletes a device in the network. Parameters ---------- device_id : string The id of the `Device` to delete. """ # Get device device = self.devices[device_id] # Delete all links connected to device for link in device.links[:]: self.delete_link( # Delete all flows from device try: for flow in device.flows[:]: self.delete_flow(flow.flow_id) except: pass # Update graph self.g.remove_node(device_id) # Update dictionaries self.ids.remove(device_id) if device_id in self.hosts: del self.hosts[device_id] if device_id in self.routers: del self.routers[device_id] self.deleted.append(device_id) del self.devices[device_id]
[docs] def add_flow(self, flow_id, flow_src, flow_dest, data_amt, flow_start): """Adds a flow to the network. Parameters ---------- flow_id : string A unique id for the flow. flow_src : string The id for the source `Device` for the flow. flow_dest : string The id for the destination `Device` for the flow. data_amt : float The amount of data for the flow to send in MB. flow_start : float The amount of time to wait before starting the flow in ms. """ # Check if the id is not already used self.check_id(flow_id) # Get the source and destination devices device_1 = self.devices[flow_src] device_2 = self.devices[flow_dest] # Increment the number of flow active self.num_flows_active += 1 # Determine TCP alg from bw.tcp_alg if == 'Reno': flow = RenoFlow(flow_id, device_1, device_2, data_amt, self, flow_start, elif == 'Tahoe': flow = TahoeFlow(flow_id, device_1, device_2, data_amt, self, flow_start, elif == 'Fast': flow = FastFlow(flow_id, device_1, device_2, data_amt, self, flow_start, else: raise Exception("Unknown TCP algorithm.") # Update dictionaries self.flows[flow_id] = flow self.ids.append(flow_id) # Update devices with flow device_1.add_flow(flow) device_2.add_flow(flow) # Update graph self.g.add_edge(flow_src, flow_dest, label=flow_id)
[docs] def delete_flow(self, flow_id): """Delete a flow from the network. Parameters ---------- flow_id : string The id of the flow to delete. """ # Get the flow flow = self.flows[flow_id] # Delete the flow from the source and destination devices flow.src.delete_flow(flow) flow.dest.delete_flow(flow) # Update the graph self.g.remove_edge(flow.src.network_id, flow.dest.network_id) # Update dictionaries del self.flows[flow_id] self.ids.remove(flow_id) self.deleted.append(flow_id) # Decrement the number of active flows self.num_flows_active -= 1
[docs] def decrement_flows(self): """Decrements the number of active flows.""" self.num_flows_active -= 1
[docs] def empty(self): """Empties the event queue.""" self._events = PriorityQueue()
[docs] def add_event(self, event, delay): """ Function to add an event to the queue This function adds an event to the queue to be run after delay time. Parameters ---------- event : `Event` The event to be run. delay : float The amount of time in ms to wait before running the event. """ # Add the event to the queue with key equal to the time to run the # event. self._events.put((self._time + delay, event))
[docs] def to_json(self): """Returns a JSON representation of the network.""" data = {} hosts = [] for host_id in self.hosts: hosts.append(host_id) data["Hosts"] = hosts routers = [] for router_id in self.routers: routers.append(router_id) data["Routers"] = routers links = [] for link_id in self.links: link_data = {} link_data["network_id"] = link_id link_data["devices"] = [self.links[link_id].device_a.network_id, self.links[link_id].device_b.network_id] link_data["rate"] = self.links[link_id].rate / (10 ** 3) link_data["delay"] = self.links[link_id].delay link_data["buffer"] = self.links[link_id].capacity / 1000 / 8 links.append(link_data) data["Links"] = links flows = [] for flow_id in self.flows: flow_data = {} flow_data["network_id"] = flow_id flow_data["src"] = self.flows[flow_id].src.network_id flow_data["dest"] = self.flows[flow_id].dest.network_id flow_data["amount"] = self.flows[flow_id].amount / 8 / (10 ** 6) flow_data["start"] = self.flows[flow_id].flow_start / 1000 flows.append(flow_data) data["Flows"] = flows return data
[docs] def run(self): """Runs the network. Dequeues events from the queue and runs them in order until the queue is empty or there are 0 flows active. Returns ------- time : int The amount of time taken for the network to run. """ # Keep running while we have events to run and there are active flows. # The first events will be enqueued by the flows when they are # initialized. while not self._events.empty() and self.num_flows_active != 0: # Get the event and time (time, current_event) = self._events.get() # Don't run the event if it source has been deleted if current_event.src_id in self.deleted: continue print ("{0} at time {1} with {2} " "flows active".format(str(current_event), time, self.num_flows_active)) # Update the current time self._time = time # Run the event # Return end time. return self._time